Dieathon. Jared Laws
1. How would you describe your musical style?
Definitely influenced by early southside hip-hop and alternative rap/rock. I imagine my style as dirty southside drums being interlaced with psychedelic video games.
2. What is the first album you owned?
Hybrid theory and Meteora by Linkin Park. It was at the same time I got both CDs.
3. How do you prepare before going up on stage?
One day… one day.. lol.
4. If we’re going to buy you a drink, what should it be?
From where though? I have been searching for this type of Ale for months after I had some at a bar show and it kills me that I forgot the name Lol.
5. What’s a song that has been stuck in your head these days?
Owl City for some reason, the one with Carly Rae Jepson.
6. Who’s your favorite artist?
This is hard haha, I’ve had a journey with a lot of artists recently, we’re everywhere. Well it’s probably still Johnny Galaxies or Mac, maybe. Majin Buudhha fire. Cigarette Daydreams really tough too. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTISTS EVERYONE.
7. Tell us about the first song you made. Was it a success or a failure?
This is really funny actually, the first song I made was a hip hop trip hop joint with willy wonka sampled in the breakdown and end of the song. It was fun to make but I definitely would never show it to anyone lol. I’d say it’s success is up to the listener (if you can find it!).
8. What is the story behind “FILL IN BLANK”
I’ve come to realize a lot of artists are always under a lot of pressure to be a certain image, and struggle with pain in ways that aren’t seen by people who help. You live within your own world and MAY BE thinking to be great for someone that isn’t yourself and I can respect that, but that’s not uh.. healthy all the time. And for the people who do this to impress people, I don’t, I repeat– I don’t put this on anyone to try drugs, not on anyone except maybe dreamers who have yet to awaken. For you, just try the acid once for your craft man LOL. But the name itself is from Malibu by Mac Miller, a reminder and a reason for the pursuit of happiness without closing that third eye.
9.If you could pick one or the other, what would you choose, the money or the fame?
Money all day. Hahahaha.
10.If you could go back in time or in the future, which one would you choose and why?
Definitely back in time. I could find myself back in the day and introduce little things to manipulate the little me into improvement. Cuz I fucked too many people and got into a lot of dumb ass shit. And I’m only 21. Fuck bitches, just get money. And eat your weed.