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 1. How would you describe your musical style?

I would say it’s a blended style. I make what I feel. Different tracks can pull something out I didn’t expect. I’ve been inspired by many talented artists before me and artists that are present. Not a single person can truthfully say they’re original, but we are all unique in how we use inspirations. 

2. What is the first album you owned?

My very first self purchased album was Kanye West’s Graduation.

3. How do you prepare before going up on stage?

I haven’t been on stage with my music yet, I’m hoping I’ll get there in time. 

4. If we’re going to buy you a drink, what should it be?

Ginger Ale

5. What’s a song that has been stuck in your head these days?     Honestly I’ve been so determined for my own music I haven’t had room for other music to be stuck in my head right now.

6. Who’s your favorite artist?

 J. Cole


7. Tell us about the first song you made. Was it a success or failure?


        My first song is an introduction to the music and how the life journey put things on pause. It’s the first track to the album. Based on my personal experience,  I consider completing the music a success. It’s failure if I don’t finish. 


8. What is the story behind  “Psynce” 

    This track is about how my mind finally broke free from illusions of the world and from those self created. I was inspired to make this track from work experience, education, spiritual understanding, and the relationship I have with an uncle of mine. He is a wise teacher in a gift from God that heavily inspired the hook. I believe that the study of life (science) and one’s own psyche work hand in hand. Science is a tool that depends on the focus of the mind. You typically find what you search for. If your psyche is falsely calibrated, the science may present false data. 

9.If you could pick one or the other, what would you choose, the money or the fame?

Total transparency, I have a wife and baby. So I’m taking the money from the work I put in, over recognition and hungry people under my roof. Fame alone sounds like a target. 

10.If you could go back in time or in the future, which one would you choose and why?        I can tell I’ve matured to answer this question. I would choose neither. If my time is now then I would either prolong my wait going back, or miss the best parts moving ahead. Taking it a day at a time allows  the things the Lord has for me to come in their season. 

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