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Interview With Rising Talented Artist GBPreach

What is your name/stage name?
It’s always been Feezy350 since before Madden07 and NBALIVE07 featured me on the games but since Kanye Feezy350 Boost situation I believe it’s time to rebrand so Goodbroda Preach GBPreach or just PREACH which is one of many street names I’m known by with Love. All names ain’t necessarily for good reason yet Preach represents me and my Goodbroda Beauchamp DaGenius and our brand GB4L.

Where are you from?
Born Louisville Kentucky 1985 Grew up PSJ and Titusville Florida
Moved to Jacksonville Florida after 6 year Prison most at
Baker C.I. Then San Antonio Texas then New Orleans Then
Little Rock Arkansas fighting a case for a year Then LA
back to prison for 6 months in California And now
CLOVIS California by Fresno.

What do you do?
WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION and Collect streaming Royalties
Audio Installation and I’ve been an Artist, Producer,
Promoter, Street Team worker, Manager, Road manager
and etc. When you work in this
business you do what pays.

How long have you been making music?
25 years

Who’s your biggest inspiration?
The people that always believe in me everywhere
I go keep motivating me yet I’m inspired most by
Martin Luther King Soulja Slim Jesus and Mohammed
God the father still the greatest is Immanuel
Isaiah Travis 9/22/03-8/28/04 My first son.

What genre of music do you create?
Hiphop, RandB, Blues, Soul,
gospel, and Gangsta music.

What was it like working with (collabs?)
It used to be fun and exciting like an adventure
but the business is very impersonal and digital
and fragmented so it’s almost like a pretend
situation nowadays. But I see OTF and NBA and
Gucci 1017 Boosie CMG etc are bringing back
the real relationships between artist that
create the energy behind all of the greater
facets of hiphop music. Those
sessions are priceless.

What are some features you have?
Pitbull, Trick Daddy, Plies, JtMoney, Jshin,
Lloyd, Wayne, PimpC, Waka, WhiteBoyDeejay,
Beauchamp, Cool and Dre, Jim Jonsin, B.O.B,
Slim Soulja Cutthroat Commity, and
countless other underground artist
Global TakeOva AD and SassyD,
Snupe,and it’s a lot of ppl
I’m forgetting but it’s a lot.

What are some features you want to get?
Definetly EST Gee, Mozzy, Too Short,
E40, Kendrick, Jcole, Lil Bean, OTF,
got a few ppl I like but really I
want to work with the ppl who music
I can play and not feel like I’m
going against my own moral compass.

Who’s one person, dead or alive, that you’d want to work with?

Are you signed to a label?
NO I issue all my releases through
UnitedMasters as a select artist.

Do you want a record deal, a distribution deal, or none?
It depends on the numbers and the situation as well as
the label or company. I don’t want to be expendable.
I want to have a mutual working relationship with
whatever company I do business with period.

Who are your biggest supporters
My wife Latasha and my children.
The people that live in my house.

Where did your name come from?
Preach came from prison cause I always
had a message about law or god or life
and I’d always be talkin at ppl really
like preachin lmao. It’s a whole part
of Jacksonville that only knows me as
Preach because Baker CI is the prison
for Duval County inmates last few
years before getting out. So
GBPREACH is some chain gang shit.

Feezy350 comes from Lil Fenix which was
my rap name given by CANLIFE Brodas in
like 99. We were all rappers but
regarded by the police as a gang.
They were already a group before
me and I had a studio so me and
LBO started rappin together and
the rest is history. The 350 was
my Chevy title that I actually
got from this F350 duel truck.
So Feezy was for Fenix and 350
was a title to say I’m Tuff
like the motor or the truck.

What are you currently working on?
Goodbrodas Me and Beauchamp GBPreach
and ChampDaGenius GB4L Champ was my
artist coming out of prison and he
always encourages me to rap still
so we will do a group effort and
let the love we got for eachother
spill over to the world. We always
take care of eachother and that’s
the message we want to push.

What is your latest release?
Getting ready to drop ‘Fxxx Erebody (Convict edition)’
A single with me and Beauchamp followed by the
compilation album all previously recorded and
FreeBeauchamp btw we are dealing with a
probation violation situation and he is
currently with KSOO in the pod at the
jail in Duval.

When is your next release?
Within the next month. Let’s say Juneteenth 2022.

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