In the heart of Ohio, a young artist named Decko found solace in the rhythms and beats that surrounded him. From the tender age when most kids were playing with toys, Decko was immersed in the world of music, captivated by its power to express emotions and tell stories.
His journey began with a spark of passion that ignited into a flame. He recalls vividly the moment when he knew music was his calling, “Fell in love wit music at a early age,” he says. With this fervor burning inside him, Decko began crafting his own sound, a style he describes simply as “Turnt”.
Decko’s rise wasn’t without its challenges, but he found triumphs along the way, such as his first paid feature. “Gettin paid for my first feature,” he reminisces. Yet, it’s not just the achievements that motivate him, but the growth he witnesses within himself. “Seeing my own growth,” he says, drives him to continue pushing boundaries.
In a world where collaborations are commonplace, Decko sticks to his roots. “Usually I go off existing relationships,” he explains, emphasizing his independence. Yet, his fans are never far from his mind. He engages with them on social media, gauging their preferences and opinions to shape his next moves.
Currently, Decko’s eyes are set on his upcoming single, “Can’t Quit,” a testament to his perseverance and dedication. With nearly 100,000 views on his YouTube channel and a hunger for more, Decko is ready to take his music to the next level. When asked about a potential distribution deal, his answer is a resounding “Yes.”
With Decko, it’s more than just music; it’s a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and unwavering determination. His beats resonate not just in the ears of his audience, but in their hearts, where they understand his story, his struggles, and his triumphs.
Listen to Decko’s music on Apple Music, and join him as he continues to blaze his trail through the world of hip hop.