What is your name/stage name?
How would you describe your musical style?
Where are you from?
Cleveland, Ohio
What do you do?
Network/Make music/Entrepreneur
How long have you been making music?
10+ Years
What was your first song/project?
InMyCity Ft. RayJr/Affiliated4Life
How serious are you about your career?
As serious as cancer to a patient.
Who’s your inspiration?
Was Kanye/MJ. Now it’s myself.
What are some features you have?
RayJr & an affiliation of BoneThugs Caine216.
Who’s one person, dead or alive, that you’d want to work with?
Are you signed to a label?
Do you want a record deal, a distribution deal, or none?
All the above.
Who are your biggest supporters?
People outside my city.
What are you currently working on?
Features/ visuals 4 my new EP. “3.3.3”.
What is your latest release?
“PlugLove” 10/25/21
When is your next release?
My birthday for summer 7/18/? Just can’t say
what year. Stay tuned.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What’s next for you?
Getting in position to create opportunities for the next.
Instagram / Twitter @:
Instagram- @_yeaadoee
Twitter- @YeaaDoee_Von