In the bustling streets of the UK, amidst the rich tapestry of musical influences, emerges Kin Rich, a multifaceted artist making waves in the world of Afrobeats and rap. With a career spanning over a decade, Kin Rich has carved his niche as a producer, songwriter, and rapper, captivating audiences with his infectious beats and lyrical prowess.
Kin Rich’s musical journey began twelve years ago, honing his craft in beat-making before transitioning into crafting his own songs six years later. His debut project, “Takin’ Off (EP),” marked the inception of his unique sound—a fusion of Afrobeats, Afropop, and rap—a testament to his diverse influences and artistic vision.
Inspired by the legendary Burna Boy, Kin Rich brings versatility to the table, seamlessly blending singing and rapping while also engineering and producing his music. His passion for authenticity shines through as he writes his own material and conceptualizes music videos, ensuring every aspect of his artistry remains true to his vision.
While Kin Rich remains independent, he aspires to secure a record deal to propel his career to greater heights, envisioning himself generating millions of streams and captivating large audiences worldwide. With his latest release, “Holla Me,” and an upcoming single scheduled for May 13th, 2024, Kin Rich’s trajectory continues upward, fueled by the unwavering support of his social media fans.
As he dreams of performing in Atlanta and embarking on tours alongside his inspiration, Burna Boy, Kin Rich remains grounded, staying true to his roots and his relentless pursuit of musical excellence. With each beat he produces and each verse he spits, Kin Rich reaffirms his position as a rising star in the global music scene.
Follow Kin Rich’s journey on Instagram @imkinrich and groove to his tunes on Spotify. Join the movement and witness the evolution of an artist destined for greatness.