What is your name/stage name?
ShawnieB (Exact Spelling, No Spaces)
Where are you from?
St. Louis, Missouri
What do you do?
I’m a Artist and Record Label Owner.
How long have you been making music?
Going on 3 years.
Who’s your biggest inspiration?
My family
What genre of music do you create?
What are some features you have?
I got features with T-Pain And Rahli.
What are some features you want to get?
I want features with Meek Mill, Rick Ross, Snoop Dogg, and Est Gee.
Who’s one person, dead or alive, that you’d want to work with?
Ol Dirty Bastard
Are you signed to a label?
Do you want a record deal, a distribution deal, or none?
I would prefer a distribution Deal.
Who are your biggest supporters?
My family, and my colleague DJ Bubba.
Where did your name come from?
“Shawnie” was a family name given to me and my last name start with
a B that’s how you get “ShawnieB”.
What are you currently working on?
I have a project title “Built 4 This” Coming August 5th.
What is your latest release?
My latest Release is my Visual “Chose”.
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