1. What’s your name?
“Anthony Cross, a.k.a., Sleepy Cross”
2. Where are you from?
“Cali, Los Angeles.”
3. How old are you?
Last time I told my age to someone they just laughed . So we are going to keep it at that .
4 .When did you start making music?
“I started making music when I was in high school.
5. How serious are you about your career?
“I really make music for the love of it at the end of the day. My plan for now is to give this album one good push, and let the people decide from there. If they want more, then I’ll be ready to let the market forces work and supply the demand. Ultimately, for me, it boils down to how serious are music fans about hearing me.”
6. Have you ever thought about quitting music?
“Plenty of times. But it’s been too hard to do. I love the feeling of creating vibes, something that symbolizes enjoyment for another.”
7. Who inspires you the most?
“To this very day Kobe Bryant remains a big inspiration. And that Mamba mentality.”
8.What got you into making music?
There’s a thrill I felt when the first song I made that actually resonated with people was being shared. To hear people sharing with me the thoughts and emotions they felt when hearing it was special. It was knowing that with every kick drum, snare, or synth, I have the ability to inspire someone through my creative expressions.”
9.Who is your favorite producer?
“That’s hard, but if I were to pick one, I’d have to say Dr .Dre “
10. What is one of your best songs/beats?
“I have a song on the album called “How To Make A River”, that I feel is one of my dopest beats. The song is a glimpse at what I’d say to my younger self if I traveled from the future to talk to my younger self. Kinda like that TV commercial with Lebron James talking to his younger self, if you’re familiar with that one. I experimented with this one a bit conceptually, as far as the lyrics, while trying to convey a message that’s all about making it in life.”
11. Are you signed to a record label?
“I’m currently releasing my music under a label I launched earlier this year called River Flowz Entertainment.”
12. Have you ever performed?
“Yes, I’ve performed quite a bit actually .