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Artist Rod Hardy Is Making Major Moves in 2022

Hot on the scene today, artist Rod Hardy is making himself known throughout the industry and continues on his path to greatness. Creating and operating his own label has given him the creative and directional discretion that he’s always been looking for, and is excited to take it to the top with the best roster of artists in the game.

Getting his start in the business world, Hardy transitioned into the music industry after his brother spent a month in a coma from COVID-19. He quickly reassessed his priorities and decided to follow a passion he always had, which was music.

He is a natural storyteller and a lifelong learner, making him perfectly fit for a career in the music industry. Hardy knows that persistence and consistency are the two keys to making it in this field, so he continues to grind nonstop to get what he deserves. Plus, what really sets him apart from the rest is experience and confidence, giving him the edge he needs to come out on top. He’s not trying to be anybody else but himself, which he notes is a very rare trait among musicians today.

To hear more from Rod Hardy and stay up-to-date with his latest projects, you can check him out at the following links:

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