
Artist Chriss Pent Releases “LA Sunrise” and “Core”

Chriss Pent is a rising star in the music industry who is striking a chord with fans everywhere. Building his platform through networking and making relationships, Pent is always trying to connect with others.

An up-and-coming artist, Pent is now at the place where he can look back and reflect on his journey through the industry thus far. He knows that he was too hard on himself from the start, and recalls feelings of not being ready or not being good enough at his craft. It wasn’t long before he was able to shed these feelings of self-doubt, helped by positive and encouraging feedback he earned from peers.

Along the way, Pent has always made it a point to do right by others and work through all things with integrity. He really respects his peers and fellow professionals in the field and has no shame in asking them questions or getting their advice. He states:

“Life is more about who you know than what you know.”

Pent knows better than anyone how far hard work and dedication can take you in this career path, and he knows that shortcuts won’t get you anywhere in the long run. This isn’t the last you’ll be hearing about Pent, and you can stay up-to-date with him and his latest projects by checking him out at the following links:

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