
Artist and Producer Iamchampelli Reflects On His Love For The Game

Always surrounded by music throughout his childhood, artist Iampchampelli was inspired by the sounds of his youth. Exploring all different types of genres through the record collections of his mother and brothers, Iamchampelli has always had a deep respect for the craft and was always making his own music when he could get his hands on a guitar or piano.

Though he was never classically trained in any instruments, he took a liking to make music, and growing up in the 80s with a constant flow of new mixtapes and prominent radio shows playing through the speakers, music became an integral part of his life.

In the 90s, he tried his hand at the turntables, though he didn’t take it much more seriously than a hobby until a close friend passed away in the middle of the decade when he was forced to re-evaluate his goals and vision. He then founded his own label, Champelli Entertainment, where he had the goal of being involved with and supporting independent musicians all along the West Coast and Bay Area.

While he has typically taken a much stronger focus on the careers of others over his own, he is looking forward to getting back into the game himself and really dedicating himself to his craft. He states:

“Most people don’t know this, but I’ve always rapped but have always been focused on my artists. But I myself am an artist at heart all around and it’s just another form of expression for me and a way to create. I am all about creativity whether it’s producing, writing for another artist, rapping, or designing fashion.”


To hear more from Iamchampelli and stay up-to-date on his latest projects, you can check him out at the following links:

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