Q.) What is your name/stage name?
A.) “d3oughboy”
Q.) Where are you from?
A.) “Detroit,MI/Hamtramck Projects”
Q.) What do you do?
A.) “I’m A Rapper/Actor.”
Q.) How long have you been making music?
A.) “I’ve been making music since 2013.”
Q.) Who’s your biggest inspiration?
A.) “My biggest inspiration is 50Cent man I listened to 50 since Wanksta that’s what made me want to rap.”
Q.) What genre of music do you create?
A.) “HipHop/Rap.”
Q.) What was it like working with (collabs?)
A.) “It’s ok really you got some that’s easy then some that’s hard to work with but i never had that problem.”
Q.) What are some features you have?
A.) “Actually my first feature i got is when KWA she’s a female rapper out of Atlanta the song is called “skoobyrue” it actually drops next month.”
Q.) What are some features you want to get?
A.) “I fasho want a feature with Lil Durk or Lil Baby.”
Q.) Who’s one person, dead or alive, that you’d want to work with?
A.) “Fasho Tupac.”
Q.) Are you signed to a label?
A.) “I’m currently unsigned.”
Q.) Do you want a record deal, a distribution deal, or none?
A.) “Yes I would love a record deal the things I’m going through man that would help a lot.”
Q.) Who are your biggest supporters?
A.) “My family is my all-time high supporters.”
Q.) Where did your name come from?
A.) “I was tryna holla at this girl once and she called me fat and that shit was on my mind all night lol and I watched Boyz n the hood that night so I’m like imma call myself doughboy and just add a 3 to it.”
Q.) What are you currently working on?
A.) “Nothing at the moment just got some beats in my head and I write as things come along.”
Q.) What is your latest release?
A.) My latest release is “CONEY ISLAND”
Q.) When is your next release?
A.) “My next release is skoobyru3 which releases next month.”
Strean and Follow d3oughboy Below:
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/OfficialDoughBoy/
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/D3OUGHBOY
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/d3oughboy/
Spotify: https://youtube.com/c/DOUGHBOY313https://open.spotify.com/artist/29gWb3SNXBm7hSx5XvtqSf?si=02ukl0sTQM2eFgNRFHdwcg