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Q.) What’s up palmTree, how has the year been treating you so far?
A.) “You know I can’t really complain I’ve been doing shows, making consistent new tracks and I feel great about where I’m at!”
Q.) Let’s get the basics out of the way all in one. How old are you and where are you from?
A.)  “I’m 26 years old originally from Phoenix, AZ currently residing in Flagstaff, AZ.”
Q.) What are some of the things that you say you’ve “been cooking”?
A.) “Let’s just say these next singles I’m planning on dropping are easily some of my best work. Working on more visuals as well!”

Q.) You’ve also got a new music video that just dropped for ” What I wanna Do” and we’re gonna talk about the video itself of course but first I wanna ask what was the inspiration behind the song?             A.)The inspiration behind ” What I Wanna Do” is really just not following trends or trying to go “viral” ya know? I’m having fun with it and I don’t wanna force anything when it comes to my creativity, I want it to happen naturally. And I couldn’t ask for a better support system (homies and fam). I also just really like orange juice.”

Q.) Was this your first video? Follow up, if no, then tell us about how this new video compares to your first.
A.) “This is my second video. This was definitely a bigger budget video than my first and I gotta say it was worth it. I love how it came out.”

Q.) Where was the music video shot?
A.) “This video was partially shot in downtown Chandler, some was shot in Creators Space Studio in Chandler and then some shots were in my homies backyard.”
Q.) Would we be correct in saying your style for this video is inspired by Mac Miller?
A.) “I would definitely say my music in general is partially inspired by Mac Miller, so yeah you could say you’re correct.”
Q.) Seemed to be some chemistry between you and the girl by the pool, any comment?
A.) “Yeah, she’s actually my girl. it’s funny you ask cause she drove downlike3 hours one way for the video and obviously I can’t be with someone that doesn’t support the vision, so that’s when I knew.”

Q.) Whose idea was it to sit on the dancers?
A.) “It was the dancers idea, the whole dance routine and all of that were courtesy of the two dancers! They killed it.”
Q.) I’m sure the guys you’re drinking with are your dawgs, but is that your dog?
A.) “No it’s actually my dawg’s dog but I’ve known her (Luna) since she was a pup.”

Q.) Who shot and edited the video and is there anyone else that you wanna shout out?
A.) “It was shot and edited by Maineflixzz Productions so shout out to him. I wanna shout out everybody too! The homies John, Diego, Micah and Ian for showing out. I wanna shout out the dancers at Creators Space, go follow them on IG @__tiny.dancer and @tcchav. Shout out Redcoat Kid for hooking me up with the videographer and shout out to my girl Lizzy for showing up to support!”
Q.) What were the hardest and easiest parts to film?
A.) “I think the hardest part to film was outside in the alley. That sun was bright yo.. other than that it went pretty smooth. Easiest part was the backyard, I’m in my element when I’m having fun like that.”
Q.) What about your favorite part?
A.) “My favorite part was the backyard. Easily.”
Q.) How long did it take to complete?.
A.) “It took one day to get all the shots then the editing took a couple weeks. Not very long at all! “
                Q.) Is there anything else you want your fans to know or think that they want to know?
               A.) “Give ma follow on IG @youcancallmepalmtree, and on SoundCloud and Spotify @palmTree”
Links Below:
“What I Wana Do” Music Video:

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